What do I do if I can't access a database?


There are lots of reasons why you might encounter an error accessing a database:

  • You're using the wrong browser -- we recommend Chrome or Firefox.  If you're using another browser, it could cause access problems.  Here's how you download Chrome:  https://ashland-kctcs.libanswers.com/faq/301120
  • You need to clear your browser cache -- follow these instructions: https://ashland-kctcs.libanswers.com/faq/313428
  • You're not currently-enrolled -- according to our licensing agreements with our database providers, we can only provide off-campus access to currently-enrolled students.  If you graduate, withdraw, or sit out a semester, you lose off-campus access to the databases -- but you're always welcome to come to campus and access the databases on-site.
  • There could be a technical problem -- if you're using the right browser, you've cleared your cache, you're currently-enrolled, and you *still* can't access a database, there's probably a technical issue that we need to be made aware of.  Please contact us to let us know you're having access issues: https://ashland-kctcs.libanswers.com/faq/299010
  • Last Updated Mar 24, 2022
  • Views 48
  • Answered By Pamela Klinepeter

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