What happens if the items I checked out are late? Do I have to pay a fine?


Shortly before your items are due, you will receive a courtesy email as a reminder. If you have not already renewed your books and you need more time, you may renew them by phone (CDC: 606-326-2169/TDC: 606-326-2450), email, LibChat, or in person.

However, if your items have already reached "Overdue" status, you must return them as soon as possible. Once your items are returned, any accumulated fines or fees will be forgiven and removed from your account.

Depending on how overdue the borrowed items are, you may receive an email stating that your items have gone to "Lost" status. When this happens, a hold will be placed on your account which will prevent you from registering for classes, requesting a transcript, etc. until your items are returned. Once returned, the hold will be released and the fees will be waved.


  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2022
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Pamela Klinepeter

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